Monday, August 21, 2017

Had to share these beautiful drawings by G. Tempel in honor of the magical Eclipse today.

Friday, August 11, 2017

I came across this striking building while searching the web to find the maker of some chairs I stumbled across... I learned the chair and the building, created for Chandigarh's Panjab University, are by Pierre Jeanneret - who also turns out to be the cousin of Le Corbusier. Surrounded by water that mirrors the beautiful juxtaposition of straight lines and curves, this white stone building is nothing short of a masterpiece!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Artist - Henry Moore. While I was visiting Washington DC this last week, I stumbled upon this bronze wonder of a sculpture and had to share. Bronze is one of my favorite metals and I love to see it used large scale like this. His large pieces hold your attention as you take in their sensual and profound nature.